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"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."

The Krav Maga seminars in iKravMaga are an inseparable part of the annual training programme. Participation in these seminars is essential for our students to make significant progress and improve their level. During ordinary twice-weekly lessons we practice a limited amount of drills every session due to time constraints, while the prolonged time of the seminars allows us to go in methodically and in depth over all the learning material required of the students’ level.


In Krav Maga, the curriculum is divided into levels that are represented by different coloured belts. It takes approximately one to two years to learn every level and in every level we teach approximately 40 drills and exercises that cover a variety of subjects. The Krav Maga basics are taught in the yellow, orange and green belts that cover how to defend against hand and foot blows, choke holds and grabs, some ground work and the basic defences against knife threats and stick attacks. From blue belt and on, the learning material becomes more complex to match complex situations such as facing more than one attacker and defending against gun threats and active knife attacks.


The seminars are the only opportunity for our students to go over all the learning material for their level in an orderly and focused manner. During the seminars, our emphasis is on the technical aspect of every drill and exercise, while giving close attention to those minor improvements that during an intensive class we do not have an opportunity to correct. The classes are for teaching, while the seminars are meant to hone the perfect motion in an orderly manner so that every student will arrive at the exam for their next belt in ideal form.


In other words, the best level of study takes place during the seminars while during the normal lessons we work on practicing and implementing what was established in the seminars. 


Seminars are hard work for the students who choose to partake, but they are essential if a student wishes to reach a high level in Krav Maga.


There are three Krav Maga seminars in every school year that take place during the school breaks. The first is during the Hanukkah holidays, the second during the passover holidays and the last is in the summer holidays (at the last week of July). The seminars are three days long on a half-day basis (4 hours) allowing plenty of time to hone their Krav Maga skills to a fine point. There are two separate seminars, one for the younger students and the other for older students and adults. In every seminars, the students are divided by level with an instructor for every group.


Sign up for the upcoming seminar



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