"Dear Amatzia! Jehu is looking forward to the seminar for the second year and in every seminar Jehu returns full of calm and happy fun knowing that you are leading and training your students to excellence, seriousness and perseverance! Straighten up!"
Dear Parents!
We’ve put together the frequently asked questions parents ask regarding kids semianr, and answered them so you can better understand what Krav Maga is.
Why do you need a seminar? Not enough regular training?
Krav Maga is divided into topics: releases from chokes, defenses from punches and kicks, ground threats, knife threats, and at the highest levels gun threats. In class we are enough to teach one exercise from one subject. In the seminar we go over all the exercises of the belt from all topics. On average, each belt has 40 exercises that your child will be tested on. In fact we have no other way to give them concentrated knowledge other than a seminar. Your child's success is important to us, and the seminar is an acute phase in learning. The lesson is primarily in favor of repeating what is learned in the seminar, assimilating, and improving warrior qualities.

Who is an instructor at the seminar?
The mentoring ratio in a children's seminary is between one instructor and four to five children, with Amatzia being the one who conducts the seminar, with each study group having 2 instructors. Leading guide and supportive guide. The role of the lead instructor is to lead the learning. The role of the supportive guide is to help those who have difficulty concentrating and those who need special treatment. Your children are in good hands. Amatzia goes through all the groups, guides and makes sure everything is going well.
What does the agenda look like?
We start at 08.30 the first part which includes warming up and improving the base, then we split into small groups with the instructors and learn the exercises. Around 10:20 we go out for a food break of about a quarter of an hour. After the break, return to the groups and continue training until about 11:45. Then there is a shorter break of about 7 minutes where you get organized for the concluding part of the training. In the concluding section everyone works together and combines everything they learned that day. All learning is done in a fun atmosphere through games that also develop the character of the trainees.

What if the child gets tired?
If the child needs a break, he asks for approval of her efforts and decides together how long a break he gets. It is no problem to take breaks in the middle if necessary as long as it is controlled and with the approval of Amatzia.
What happens during breaks?
Breaks It's everyone's time to eat. During the break there is a guide who delivers activities / games to anyone who wants to. The break is also the time that Amatzia passes between everyone to see that everything is fine. Do not worry, the break is not for the instructors 😊
We will be happy to answer any further questions! Do not hesitate to contact us, that's why we're here.
A recommendation from a parent of three trainees:
"Three of my children have been participating in the" Pesach Seminar "for several years in a row. The seminar is run by Amatzia Yad Rama accompanied by a team of professional instructors. The instructors know the children and know how to approach, explain, practice and instill correct physical and mental combat habits. Accompany, emphasize, strengthen, correct and especially educate. Krav Maga is an integration of kosher and especially philosophical life and Amatzia knows very well how to convey these messages, while and during the children receive tools and methods for dealing with threats. All this in a more concentrated and intensive time, twice a week The seminar is a challenge and experience for children who enjoy, get stronger, get stronger and crystallize. Highly recommend allowing your child to experience the experience. I would be happy to answer questions, if necessary. Sigal Meir, mother of Dror, Peleg and Kfir. Phone: 052-2614305 "
Recommendation of a parent of a second-grade trainee and owner of a martial arts school in Tel Aviv:
My son has been training with Amatzia for a year and a half. I myself have a martial arts school in Tel Aviv and I send my son to Amatzia with my eyes closed after walking around most of the martial arts schools in the city to be impressed. The guidance of Amatzia and his assistants gives children true self-confidence and practical tools for dealing with everyday violence and strengthening self-confidence. As evidence, my son has been attacked several times at school and each time he knew how to return and neutralize the attacker / s. Amatzia cares about every child as if he were his own. He has a combination of uncompromising professionalism, incredible caring and rare training abilities. This is evident in both the classes and the seminars he teaches. Highly recommend joining his circle, for the amazing path he is outlining for our children.